21052 Forman Valley Public Library Building Addition

The scope of the Project is defined by the Contract Documents and generally consists of a 1400 SF infill building addition constructed out of conventional wood framing/trusses, concrete stem foundation walls, and concrete slab on grade. The small addition includes a large workroom, office space, expanded stacks area, and a storage/mechanical room. Also included is minor renovation work to the existing facility.


Bidding Closed

Prebid Date 8/18/23 10:00am
Bid Date 8/29/23 2:00pm

Company & Contacts

Keach Architectural Design
Lee Gerrietts  
(309) 263-4545


Manito, IL

Downloads are free if purchasing the drawings set.

The scope of the Project is defined by the Contract Documents and generally consists of a 1400 SF infill building addition constructed out of conventional wood framing/trusses, concrete stem foundation walls, and concrete slab on grade. The small addition includes a large workroom, office space, expanded stacks area, and a storage/mechanical room. Also included is minor renovation work to the existing facility.

Pre-bid Conference/Tour: A “Pre-Bid” Meeting and guided jobsite tour is scheduled to begin Friday, August 18th, 2023, at 10:00 AM prevailing time, at the project site, 404 ½ S Harrison St., 61546. The Architect and the Owner will not respond to questions orally regarding the Project outside of the Pre-Bid Meeting. All requests for clarifications or interpretations outside of the Pre-Bid Meeting shall be made in writing and will be answered by Addendum when appropriate.

It is anticipated the Library Board will award the Project at their regular September board meeting. The Architect will issue a Notice to Proceed with the Project following approval.